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Angelic Reiki

  • 1 hour
  • 55 ευρώ
  • Location 1

Service Description

Angelic Reiki is a safe, completely natural, system of multidimensional angelic healing which can address physical, emotional and psychological imbalances as well as provide healing in connection with spiritual issues. Angelic Reiki angelic healing can be used alongside orthodox medicine and/or other complementary therapies. Angelic Reiki multidimensional angelic healing treatments are suitable for anyone, of any age, who is ready - not just to accept the power of angelic healing - but who is also truly ready to embrace the 'invitation to change' offered by Angels, Archangels, Ascended Masters, Galactic Healers and other Beings of Light - which includes the challenge of facing up to and dealing with (rather than suppressing) your 'stuff'. The divine energy of Angelic Reiki, by its very nature, creates balance. It searches out anything within our consciousness - physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually - that is out of balance. It therefore goes right to the core of issues and conditions; it also expands consciousness, changing how we see/understand things on many levels - about ourselves, others and our world. Angelic Reiki treatments facilitate this process and support you in letting go of physical, genetic, emotional, mental and karmic imbalances throughout all time and space, to allow healing of core issues - which can help in embracing a happier more fulfThe number of Angelic Reiki healing Treatments will depend upon your condition/dis-illed life.

Contact Details

  • Paleochora Houses, Palaiochora, Chania, Greece

    + 0030 6948773886

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