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The 11 day process

 22 September to 2 October 2018 


 Hosted by Tony Phipps 


Would you like to be FREE of the dependency of food cravings and hunger?

How about freedom from worrying about your health and what is “good for you” as the experts keep changing their minds?

Would you like to KNOW that your body is functioning at its maximum potential? Or be the perfect size and weight as you were designed to be originally

Get more ENERGY and VITALITY, restful sleep and more time!
Live much longer (Life extension)
KNOW that you can experience whatever is calling you without the fear of getting it wrong!
KNOW you can achieve freedom in anything you set your mind too, Including habits and adiction's you want to stop like smoking, alcohol,drugs. 
Hosted by Tony Phipps

Registration Fee
(deducted from price 450€ .The whole package for 11 days with accommodation, will be the total of €1100.00. Per person from the 22 Sept to the 2 Oct  2018

Prices listed in EURO
Prices are all inclusive except transportation.

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The 11 day process on May 15th to 25th 2018 and will be hosted by Tony Phipps at


Registration Fee
(deducted from price 300€ .The whole package for 11 days with accommodation, will be the total of €1100.00. Per person from the 15th to the 25th of May 2018

Prices listed in EURO
Prices are all inclusive except transportation.

The 11 day process will be at Angel whispers Retreat Achill, Mayo, Ireland. There also be other accommodations available too, close by the retreat. We will only be able to accommodate 15 persons on this workshop so if you want to book your place click the booking button for details. Angel blessings to everyone.


Here is a list of common questions and their answers, for more information and unanswered questions, please contact me directly at .


Can anyone do the process?


As a general rule yes! However, we do not accept people that have certain diseases or individuals under 20 years old. Any person that has an inner calling or is close to the subject and is interested in experiencing it for themselves is welcome to join.

There have already been several people that are older than 60 that went through it, also people that are skinny and people that are less spiritually developed than others.


So I give up food completely?


Absolutely not. Most Breatharians in the western world still eat or drink, but they do so in small amounts and for different reasons. It is very individual.  Once the Pranic/ energetic engine starts working the individual can decide when and ho w much he want to eats/drinks.

Most people are not interested in complete abstinence of food (although some people's ego requires it before the process).  So they will balance the lifestyle and eat occasionally.  Some eat a few meals a week and some eat something small every evening.  Some, not at all.  It is very individual and personal.

On average, most Breatharian’s eat occasionally but not out of a need or hunger but for social reasons or they desire to taste for pleasure.

In the western world there is very difficult to fast completely since food has social and family ties.  Most participants want to go through the process in order to be independent of the day to day food habit.


What are the main Advantages?


Most of the advantages have already been mentioned at the beginning of this page.

Generally one can claim that the advantages of a Pranic lifestyle are in the areas of physical and mental health and well being, spiritual growth and financial.


I am afraid of such a big change in my life, can I make this process without changing my lifestyle?


Some participants are interested in doing the Process just for the Process itself.  No one is forced to adopt the lifestyle and one can make a decision during or soon after the process according to their own inner guidance.

The process itself is amazing as it introduces the ultimate detox and allows the participants to receive lots of amazing information and experiences.  However, many people on completion of the 11 Day Process, decide to change their lifestyle even if they continue eating because of a better and deeper understanding of their previously toxic habits.


How long does it take for the body to gain back lost weight?


In our experience, participants in transformation processes that include breath-work stabilize their weight quite quickly, reach their ideal weight and remain there.  

This is in contrast with those who participate in the 21 day process. The majority of the latter experience  greater weight loss and a longer period of time of adjustment and reaching their ideal weight.


Will I lose weight after the process? What if I am already skinny?


All participants lose some weight during the process. After the process there is an adaptation period where the body keeps losing weight while it is getting used to and incorporating the new energy. 

During the process the subject comes up a lot and is explained more deeply by the guide. If you are already very thin, it is most likely that your body will not allow you to lose more weight and you will come to a place of balance quicker.

As you can imagine - many of the participants are already thin and they all have some worries about it but all graduate without issues.

There are no ‘fat’ Breatharians as the body releases all of the toxins and extra fat during the cleansing & adaptation periods. Every Breatharian will eventually reach a place of ideal weight and balance.


Why haven’t I heard about Pranic nourishment before?


  1. Most Breatharians are by nature people of spirit who will sometimes prefer to speak less about it with others. This is especially due to various confrontational reactions which can be dramatic, cynical, offensive, etc.

  2. Lack of scientific collaboration.

  3. Lack of cooperation with the media in the presentation of this lifestyle.

  4. A general lack of acceptance, understanding and faith in such. If my friend is Breatharian and I tell another friend about it, the second friend’s scepticism can keep him from believing me. This is because the second friend did not see or speak to the Breatharian directly and it becomes a matter of “a friend of a friend.” One who is attached to conventional ways of thinking will find it hard to believe 

  5. What happens to the digestive system? Doesn’t it degenerate?


If we compare the internal organs of the digestive system to the filters of a car, we realize that the more we drive the car the quicker the filters and the engine will wear out.  

The less we drive it, the more it is considered ‘novel’ and it’s second-hand value will be greater. So naturally, the more we use our internal systems, the higher the chances of erosion and ultimately developing some sort of future issue.  

For example, the blood tests and surgical findings following the death of a mature Breatharian woman demonstrated that her internal systems were in a much healthier and younger state than those found in other people.  


Lastly, irregular and minimal eating/drinking will still revitalise the digestive system and make use of it – albeit a less intensive and more pleasant usage.


I'm not happy with my eating habits, should I do the process?


The process actually "breaks" our day to day habits/ addictions allowing us to observe from a higher perspective and reset them into healthier patterns.  

If your unhappiness is the result of an eating disorder, it is not recommended that you attend the process.  Otherwise there is no issue.


Seems wrong?


If your eating disorder is due to an underlying unhappiness or dissatisfaction with yourself, it is not recommended that you attend the process. Otherwise there is no issue.


What’s the difference between Breatharians and those who deny themselves food for other reasons – not necessarily health ones?


There are significant differences between Breatharians  and people who deny themselves food  (those suffering from Bulimia or Anorexia or  who are on a ‘food strike’).  

Breatharians do not need food to survive.  They do not feel hunger nor do they reach the state of starvation. This is not a type of fasting, although fasting is involved initially, rather an alternative lifestyle choice.  The main reason why Breatharians will not take many calories into their bodies is that they feel no need for such.


Another thing I have mentioned in a few places is that Breatharians do not need to balance what they drink.  The Pranic energy will already do this for them, just like a plant knows exactly how much sun it needs to receive.

Everything has its own frequency and while every person is unique in their own choice of lifestyle, it holds true for everyone that high frequency foods lead to high frequency healthier and happier people.  Gaining nourishment directly from the source of all is the highest frequency you can get so, like everything else in life, it is recommended that for the best results, go directly to the source.

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